211 Elton Adelphia Road, Freehold, NJ
(732) 462-7545
211 Elton Adelphia Road, Freehold, NJ
(732) 462-7545
Pastor was "called" to service on June 11th, began his leadership role in early August, and was installed as our new Pastor at a ceremonial worship service on September 24, 2017.
“Not only am I coming back to my church, I am returning to my community. Returning to HOPE is coming home.”
Pastor Ed and family embraced their return, are loving NJ and are happy to call it HOME.
Edward Kropa "Pastor Ed"
The Rev. Pastor Kropa, known as Pastor Ed to his congregation, spent part of his youth raised in Freehold Township. In 1967 when he was 11 years old, he and his family became charter members of our newly formed Hope Lutheran Church.
“During this period, I regularly served as an acolyte and was involved in the church youth group. In fact, it was while growing up at Hope that slowly but surely, I began to sense a call to ministry "
"While attending college, I began to explore this possibility further. First by taking courses like public speaking, and by coming home on weekends to teach Sunday school. Finally, when I could no longer "talk myself out of it," I applied and was accepted to Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. "
It was at Trinity that Pastor earned his Masters of Divinity and in 1985 returned to Hope Lutheran Church, where he was ordained. He later went on to earn a Doctorate in Ministry at Drew University.
During his 32 years of pastoral leadership Kropa and his wife Jeanette have served 6 churches & raised 3 daughters. He is a excited to be back in Freehold, reuniting with friends and family and embracing his new congregation.
MEET Our Church Council
President | Bill Unger
Vice President | Sarah Kozak
Secretary | Michelle Miele
Education | Jessica Somodi
Financial Secretary | Sue Hu
Arechitecture Team | Brian McMillan
Arechitecture Team | Matthew Malanuk
Arechitecture Team | Matthew Sprunger
Arechitecture Team | Dave Peters
Arechitecture Team | Steve Weiss
Treasurer | Mike Della Rosa*
Open Door | Rebekah Heilman*
Worship | Jackie Peters*
*Non-Council Members Holding Positions